Pure Air, Healthy Lives: Cleaning NYC's Air

Attention: Intro 941 is a lethal threat to NYC’s clean air and citizen enforcement.

The Daily Show featuring NYCAC members.

Every day, New Yorkers are exposed to street-level air pollution.

Compactor Truck Dust Affects Pedestrians and Workers.

Exposure to silica, the primary ingredient, can lead to lung scarring, reduced lung capacity, and lung cancer.

Dust Affects Schools
Trucks release large quantities of dust even when near school entrances.

Urban Density Magnifies Harm
NYC’s urban density means a single incident affects an outsized number of individuals.

Children Have No Choice in their Exposure 
When companies choose to skip dust mitigation, passing children have no choice in their exposure.

Operators are at the Highest Risk 
Workers, often without masks, face the greatest exposure and likelihood of health complications.

Tailpipe Pollution from Idling Trucks affects New Yorkers in Every Borough.

The American Lung Association links frequent exhaust exposure to reduced IQ and increased incidents of asthma and cancer.

Last-Mile Trucks are Major Contributors 
These trucks often idle their engines needlessly. They are not running power equipment, the rear liftgate, or the self-powered refrigeration device.

Diesel Trucks Emit More Pollution
Diesel trucks release higher levels of particulates and Nitrogen Oxides compared to gasoline trucks. Nitrogen Oxides, a key ingredient of smog, remain particularly challenging for diesel filters.

Needless Idling
Operators idle their engines to charge their phones, maintain cabin comfort, and other reasons. Battery packs and proper clothing are simple cost-effective solutions.

The Citizen Enforcement Program is the most effective tool at solving ground level pollution.

New Yorker shares how consistent enforcement has stopped the trucks that idled on his block.

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